The twist from business to pure programming wasn't natural for me, but after a while I started to love to code.    

As a Co-founder of Currensee,I worked very close to the engineers,and my daily responsibility was better described as outbound product manager.  

During the last few years , I extended my coding abilities and skills and enjoyed my obsessive attention to details.

As a web developer freelancer, I combine and leverage my coding skills together with my previous product management experience, such as wireframing , competitive analysis etc.

I have been working in the tech industry during the last 25 years, and my professional path has taken many twists and turnsI started off working as an economist .

For several years I analyzed new technological ideas that needed seed investment. and.. I fell in love with tech innovation. 

The next step of my career was to work  in a wide range of business oriented positions in early- stage start-up’s.

I was excited by the challenge of taking an idea to the next stage of funding and acceleration. I was involved in the creation of several start-ups, and due to the challenge of creating a working prototype, I started to learn programming.

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